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AIR4SIX - Oorverblindend - Drongen

Air4Six is a new vocal ensemble with sopranos Liesbeth Devos and Astrid Stockman, mezzo-soprano Inez Carsauw, tenor Adriaan De Koster, baritone and conductor Joris Derder and bass Charles Dekeyser.

Even after Brexit, we remain fascinated by the British music tradition. The six singers of Air For Six immerse us in the vocal richness of the English ensemble tradition. The program features some great names from the Romantic school, including Ralph Vaughan Williams, Edward Elgar and also the most famous English composer of the twentieth century: Lord Benjamin Britten. But Air For Six is also diving into contemporary British pop music with The Beatles! Corona put the international careers of the six Air For Six soloists on hold for a while, but luckily these friends saw their chance to turn their shared love for this unique English repertoire into a surprising vocal adventure that we can witness!

Friday 18 March 2022 - St. Gerolfkerk - Drongenplein 27, Drongen - 8 p.m.

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